Frequently asked questions

1. What does the compensated repertory model do?

The main problem in prescribing the right remedy is the fact, that some remedies (called also polychrests) are used for a long time and they produce and cure many known symptoms, while other remedies (called also small remedies) are known only for a short time and they produce and are known to cure only a handful of symptoms.
The rest of the symptoms of small remedies is unknown, simply because the remedies are used only for a short time and not all symptoms were discovered.

The patient may need either a polychrest or a small remedy. Because of the imbalance between the number of symptoms known for polychrests and small remedies, it is more likely that you will prescribe polychrests while small remedy would be the true simillimum.

What the compensated repertory model does is that by using an advanced mathematical model, it brings balance between the small remedies and polychrests and you have equal chance of prescribing a correct small remedy or a polychrest. For more information please continue reading here.

2. Many web pages contain Materia Medicae. Why should I use Mercurius to read Materia Medicae?

It is true, that many web pages contain some Materia Medicae and provings that can be viewed free of charge. However, there are several major and some minor problems homeopath has to face when working with such Materia Medicae:
  • effective searching is impossible
  • there are major differences how various authors name the same remedy
  • there is no interconnection with the repertorization process
  • user has to be online to be able to read them
  • user has to browse through many web sites to find complete information
Mercurius contains an advanced search technology that allows to display the results of a search usually within one second, grouping them by remedies, previewing the searched text in materia medica and many more features.

Moreover, there is a harmonic integration of materia medicae with the repertorization process. When a remedy comes up in the repertorization results and you would like to learn a little more about it, everything you need to do is double-click its name. And instantly, you can read all the available Materia Medicae for this remedy.

Time is of an essence. If you had to spend half an hour looking for a remedy on the Web, you'll probably not do it.
Moreover, if you are not an expert in naming conventions of the homeopathic remedies you might even be unable to find it, although it might be there somewhere.
All these actions waste the energy you could have spend much more effectively for the benefit of your patient.

In Mercurius, all Materia Medicae are connected to a verified list of the most current remedies names. If you are interested to read more on this topic, continue here.


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