The American Homoeopathic Review - MM pack
Some quick facts about the included Materia Medica Pack:
- contains all six volumes of The American Homoeopathic Review (all numbers)
- more than 4 000 pages of text
- over 400 selected articles with searchable descriptors (sample article)

The American Homoeopathic Review pack
50.00 EUR
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About The American Homoeopathic Review
In the spring of 1858, there was dissatisfaction expressed by a large number of homoeopathic physicians in the US that the North American Journal of Homoeopathy (the only professional homeopathic periodic at the time, in the US) was approving and publishing contributions which were not in line with the idea of homeopathy as taught by Hahnemann. The situation was remedied by foundation of the American Homeopathic Review whose editors proposed to "issuing one that should advocate a strict adherence to the homoeopathic law, although acknowledging the right or every physician to prescribe the remedies in such quantities as his experience or judgment dictated."
In October 1858 the first number of the Review appeared under the auspices of R. G. Perkins and H. M. Smith as editors and proprietors. Themselves unknown to the homoeopathic profession, the editors sought and received the literary assistance of the more noted of homeopathic physicians, as Drs. Bayard, J. P. Dake, C. Dunham, B. Fincke, Hallock, C. Hering, B.F. Joslin, B.F. Joslin, jr., Kellogg, A. Lippe, Ludlam, Marcy, H. D. Paine, Rhees, G. Shipman, Talbot, Vanderburgh, and others. Also included were translations of the important articles by Dr. von Boenninghausen and other selected articles appearing in the German homeopathic magazine Allg. Hom. Zeitung.
The quality of the articles is generally very high and the whole tone of the periodical intends to promote strict adherence to the homeopathic law as taught by Hahnemann. The articles cover all kinds of topics - homeopathic philosophy, original provings, clinical cases, various debates on then-and-now-current topics such as alternation of the remedies, use of high/low potencies, prescription strategies, book reviews and other interesting subjects (here you can read a sample article by Boenninghausen). We feel that modern homeopathy has been cut off its roots and this selection of articles aims to provide the means of reconnecting these severed threads.
Almost all of the articles were included in this MM pack, with the exception of most of the "Transactions of homeopathic societies" which were generally omitted (usually containg information like "Dr. XY presented a paper on this and that" with no particulars provided), unless containing some useful information for reader of our times. All the articles contain descriptors useful for locating articles dealing with certain topics, remedies, by specific authors etc.
The complete list of the articles in this MM pack:
Aegidi; a Case of Diabetes Mellitus
Aegidi; High Potencies
AHomeo01; Another Cure for Consumption
AHomeo01; Book Notice; Hirschel; Study of Pharmacodynamics
AHomeo01; Book-Notices 03
AHomeo01; Book-Notices 06
AHomeo01; Book-Notices 12
AHomeo01; Book-Notices
AHomeo01; Communication from C. von Boenninghausen (1858)
AHomeo01; Coxitis
AHomeo01; Dispensary and Hospital reports
AHomeo01; Dr. Trinks on high dilutions
AHomeo01; Epilepsy
AHomeo01; Fragmenta by Analectes
AHomeo01; Fragmenta II by Analectes
AHomeo01; Geography, Chorography and Periodicity
AHomeo01; Gonorrhoea
AHomeo01; Introductory
AHomeo01; Letter from Dr Bacmeister
AHomeo01; Lunacy
AHomeo01; Miscellaneous 01
AHomeo01; Miscellaneous 02
AHomeo01; Miscellaneous 03
AHomeo01; Miscellaneous 04
AHomeo01; Miscellaneous 05
AHomeo01; Miscellaneous 06
AHomeo01; Miscellaneous 07
AHomeo01; Miscellaneous 08
AHomeo01; Miscellaneous 09
AHomeo01; Miscellaneous 10
AHomeo01; Miscellaneous 11
AHomeo01; Miscellaneous 12
AHomeo01; Paralysis
AHomeo01; Present Position of Medical Science (1858)
AHomeo01; Symptoms
AHomeo01; Tinea Capitis
Ahomeo02; Book Notices 12
Ahomeo02; Books Received 08
Ahomeo02; Establishment of Hahnemann Medical College Chicago
Ahomeo02; Homoeopathic Medical College of The State of New York
AHomeo02; Miscellaneous 01
AHomeo02; Miscellaneous 02
AHomeo02; Miscellaneous 04
Ahomeo02; Miscellaneous 09
Ahomeo02; on Reporting Cases
Ahomeo03; Book Notices 07
Ahomeo03; Book Notices 08
Ahomeo03; Book Notices 10
Ahomeo03; Central Union of The Homoeopathic Physicians of Germany
Ahomeo03; Drosera in Tuberculosis
Ahomeo03; Hahnemann Academy of Medicine
Ahomeo03; Homeopathy in Michigan State Prison
Ahomeo03; Homoeopathic Physicians of The Rhine and Westphalia
Ahomeo03; Miscellaneous 01
Ahomeo03; Miscellaneous 03
Ahomeo03; Miscellaneous 04
Ahomeo03; Miscellaneous 05
Ahomeo03; Miscellaneous 10
Ahomeo03; Miscellaneous 11
Ahomeo03; Miscellaneous
Ahomeo04; Book Notices 09
Ahomeo04; Book Notices
Ahomeo04; Miscellaneous 01
Ahomeo04; Miscellaneous 03
Ahomeo04; Miscellaneous 04
Ahomeo04; Miscellaneous 05
Ahomeo04; Miscellaneous 06
Ahomeo04; Miscellaneous 07
Ahomeo04; Miscellaneous 11
Ahomeo04; Provings of Kali Cyanuretum
Ahomeo04; Rheumatism Cured by a Bee-sting
Ahomeo05; Book Notice 03
Ahomeo05; Clinical Remarks on Cancer
Ahomeo05; Hahnemann's Organon
Ahomeo05; Hahnemann's Will
Ahomeo05; Miscellaneous 01
Ahomeo06; American Homoeopathic Periodicals
Ahomeo06; Book Notices 06
Ahomeo06; Homoeopathy and the Board of Health
Ahomeo06; Miscellaneous 03
Ahomeo06; Valedictory
AInstHom; The Fifteenth Annual Session (1858)
Ainsthom; The Seventeenth Annual Session (1860-06-06)
AInstHom; The Sixteenth Annual Session (1859)
Allen TF; Allium Cepa
Allen TF; Cases of Epilepsy
Allen TF; Clinical Observations on Lachesis
Allen TF; Gelsemium Sempervirens vs Gelseminum Nitidum
Allen TF; Provings of Aloes
Allen TF; The Physiology and Pathology of The Nasal Passages
Alley JT; Clinical notes on Amenorrhoea
Alley JT; Teachings of Pathology in relation to Homeopathy
Alley JT; Teachings of Physiology in relation to Homeopathy
Aprovunion; Transactions 1859-12-08
Aprovunion; Transactions 1860-01-12 1860-02-09
Bahm; Transactions 1859-11-28
Baird WP; Drug Provings
Battman; Clinical Remarks on High Potencies
Bayard E; Inflammation of the Caput Coli
Bayard E; The Remedial and Pathogenetic effect of Dulcamara on the Horse
Bayard; Bowers; Paine; Provings of Rumex Crispus
Bayes W; Question on Doses Reply to Dr Lippe
Bayes; Cholera As Treated by Dr Rubini
Bell JB; Clinical Cases
Bell JB; Scabies
Boenninghausen C; Anamnesis of Sycosis
Boenninghausen C; Hahnemann's Three Precautions
Boenninghausen C; Hooping Cough
Boenninghausen C; Jenichen's High Potencies
Boenninghausen C; Kreasotum
Boenninghausen C; Motion and Rest
Boenninghausen C; on The Relative Worth of Symptoms; With Some Remarks on Borax
Boenninghausen C; Tabes Dorsalis and Aluminium metallicum
Boenninghausen C; The Advantages of The High Potencies
Boenninghausen C; The Choice of the Remedy
Boenninghausen C; Thuja As An Intercurrent Remedy
Boenninghausen C; Toothache
Bojanus; Warts
BostonAHM; Transactions 01
Bowers BF; Life and Character of Dr Joslin
Boyce CW; Arsenicum and Dysentery
Boyce CW; Catarrh
Boyce CW; Lachesis in Bronchial Catarrh
Boyce CW; Observations on Spigelia
Boyce CW; Poisoning by a Wasp
Boyce CW; Purpura Haemorrhagica
Boyce CW; Uterine Catarrh
Brewster AJ; Clinical Cases
Buckland; Poisoning by Cobra
Burritt F; Hammamelis Virginiana
Capper; Case of Severe and Complicated Pneumonia
Cate HJ; a Case of Acute Albuminuria
Clary L; Proving of Rhus Vernix
Coe MD; Alternation
Colby I; Bigelow, Exposition of Rational Medicine
Collum MMc; Chronic Gastritis
Comstock TG; Good Samaritan Hospital Saint Louis 1859 Report
Coxe JR; Alternation of Remedies
Coxe JR; Book Review; Hempel J; Manual
Cushing AM; Whooping Cough
Cushing MD; Case of Convulsions
Dake M; Medical Education
Davison JM; Clinical Observations on Hamamelis
Dunham C; Administration of High Potencies
Dunham C; Aloes in Dysentery
Dunham C; Alternation of Remedies 02
Dunham C; Alternation of Remedies
Dunham C; Climate
Dunham C; Clinical Contribution
Dunham C; Datura Stramonium
Dunham C; Deafness cured by Mezereum
Dunham C; Deodorizing agents
Dunham C; Dr C von Boenninghausen
Dunham C; Fungi and Measles
Dunham C; Homoeopathy in Cuba
Dunham C; Homoeopathy The Science of Therapeutics
Dunham C; Chlorine and Spasmus Glottidis
Dunham C; Chlorine in Spasm of The Glottis
Dunham C; Chronic Diarrhoea Cured by a Single Dose of a High Potency
Dunham C; Mend Or End
Dunham C; Mezereum
Dunham C; Murex Purpurea
Dunham C; Observations on Aconite
Dunham C; Observations on Bryonia
Dunham C; Observations on Colchicum
Dunham C; Observations on Eupatorium
Dunham C; Observations on Lachesis
Dunham C; Observations on Materia Medica
Dunham C; Observations on Opium
Dunham C; Observations on Rhus
Dunham C; on The Elimination Theory
Dunham C; Pterygium Crassum Cured by a Single Remedy in a High Potency
Dunham C; Relation of Pathology to Therapeutics
Dunham C; Remarks on Aloes
Dunham C; Remarks on Scabies
Dunham C; Retrospect 02
Dunham C; Retrospect
Dunham C; Rhees MJ; Joslin BF; Wells PP; Observations on Rumex Crispus
Dunham C; Specific Results
Dunham C; The Appeal to The People 01
Dunham C; The Appeal to The People 02
Dunham C; The Appeal to The People 03
Dunham C; The Basis of Treatment
Dunham C; The Dose in Drug-proving
Dunham C; The Question of The Dose
Dunham C; The Use of High Potencies in The Treatment of The Sick
Dunham C; Value of Unproved Remedies
Dunham C;; Mutato Nomine
Eidherr M; Cyclamen Europaeum
Epps J; Constipation
Fanning TC; Case of Dysmenorrhoea
Fanning TC; Coffea in Toothache
Fanning TC; Lithium Carbonicum
Feller M; Apis in Bright's Disease Following Scarlatina
Fellger Ad; Clinical Case
Fellows HB; Enlargement of The Materia Medica
Fellows HB; Lachesis
Fincke B; Clinical Cases and Observations on High Potencies 01
Fincke B; Clinical Cases and Observations on High Potencies 02
Fincke B; Clinical Cases and Observations on High Potencies 03
Fincke B; Clinical Cases and Observations on High Potencies 04
Fincke B; Clinical Cases and Observations on High Potencies 05
Fincke B; Homoeopathic Tocology
Fincke B; Hydrocele
Fincke B; New Proving of Spongia Tosta
Fincke B; New Provings of Galvanismus
Fowler EP; Letter from Dr Fowler
Frost JHP; Notes on Lachesis
Frost JHP; Post Scarlatina Dropsy
Frost JHP; The Sympathetic and Spinal Systems in Relation to Psora
Gabalda F; Metrorrhaghia
Gallupe W; Clinical Contributions
Gallupe Wm; Clinical Contributions
Gardiner R; Cannabis Indica
Gardiner R; Dignity of The Medical Character
Goallon H; Are Homoeopathic Doses Nothing Or Something
Gonzalez Dr; Case of Cinchona-poisoning
Gonzalez PA; Case of Lead Colic
Gorton DA; Clinical Contribution
Gorton DA; Tabes Mesenterica
Goullon H; How Do Homoeopathic Medicines Act
Goullon H; Medicinal Matter and Force
Gregg RR; Clinical Contributions
Guenther SG; Cure and conversion of an allopath
Hale EM; Clinical Observations on Terebinth
Hale EM; Coffea in Toothache
Hale EM; Copavia Balsamum in Blenorrhagia
Hale EM; Glycerine for external applications
Hallock L; Lactation
Hawley WA; Alternation of Remedies
Hawley WA; Alternation
Hawley WA; Case of Phthisis Pulmonalis
Heath ER; Poisoning by Phosphorus
Helmuth WmT; Apis in Surgical Diseases
Helmuth WmT; Homoeopathic Medicine in Surgery
Helmuth WmT; Stomatitis
Hencke; Nux Vomica
Hering C; Apis Mellifica
Hering C; Cases of Diphtheria
Hering C; Digitalis According to The Monographs of Baehr and Black
Hering C; Introductory Lecture
Hering C; Our Materia Medica
Hering C; Proposal to Publish a Standard Work on Materia Medica
Hering C; Proving of Lithium Carbonicum
Hering C; Sifting The Drug Symptoms
Hering C; Tellurium
Hering C; The British Repertory
Hering C; The Morbid Fear of Hydrophobia
Hermel; Teucrium Marum Verum
Holcombe WmH; Acalipha Indica in Pulmonary Haemorrhage
Hoppe J; Characteristic Symptoms
Hoppe J; Intercostal Neuralgia With Spasms
Houghton MG; Diphtheria
Hunt FV; Causes of Malarious Fever
Hunt FV; Follicular Enteritis
Hunt FV; Physical properties and Character of Malaria
Hunt FW; Practical Uses and Abuses of Stimulants
Chase HL; Belladonna as a Prophylactic in Scarlatina
ChicagoHMS; Transactions (1858) 02
ChicagoHMS; Transactions (1858) 03
ChicagoHMS; Transactions (1858)
ChicagoHMS; Transactions (1859) 03
ChicagoHMS; Transactions (1859)
Jackson MB; Broken Breast
Jackson MB; Mechanical Means in Misplacements of The Uterus
Jackson MB; Pulsatilla in Malpresentation
Jahr GHG; Collection of Clinical Observations and Studies of the MM
Jenner AJB; Kerosene a Homoeopathic Remedy For Burns
Joslin BF Jr; Clinical Contributions
Joslin BF Jr; Dropsy After Scarlet Fever
Joslin BF Jr; Chlorine in Spasmus Glottidis
Joslin BF Jr; Insanity Treated at Home of the Patient
Joslin BF Jr; Intermittent fever
Joslin BF Jr; Report of a Case of Abscess of The Liver
Joslin BF Jr; Singular Case of Spasmodic Stricture of The Oesophagus
Joslin BF Jr; Vaccination and Revaccination
Joslin BF; Apis in Cases of Albuminuria
Joslin BF; Five Points House of Industry Report
Joslin BF; Homeopathic practice and provings
Joslin BF; Impurities of an attenuating liquid
Joslin BF; Nature of Ozone
Joslin BF; On the Advancement of Medical Science
Joslin BF; Polygonum Hydropiper - fragmentary provings
Joslin BF; Potencies in Connection with Crudities
Joslin BF; Rhus radicans - first proving
Joslin BF; Rumex crispus - verified symptoms
Joslin BF; Second Proving of Rhus Radicans
Kellogg EM; Palpebral Neuralgia
Kenton LM; Clinical Observation of Kalmia Latifolia
Kenyon LM; Case Fragment
Kenyon LM; Croup
Kenyon LM; Curative Effect of Hamamelis
Kenyon LM; Lachesis
King OR; Hooping Cough
King OR; Poisoning by Cyanide of Potassium
Lazarus ME; Purulent Opthalmia
Lippe Ad; a Letter to the Editor 01
Lippe Ad; a Letter to the Editor 02
Lippe Ad; a Question on Characteristic Indications Addressed to Dr Bayes
Lippe Ad; Arum Triphyllum in Scarlet Fever
Lippe Ad; Clinical Observations 05
Lippe Ad; Clinical Observations 06
Lippe Ad; Clinical Observations 08
Lippe Ad; Doses
Lippe Ad; Dr Von Boenninghausen
Lippe Ad; Dysentery
Lippe Ad; Importance of a Single Symptom
Lippe Ad; Intermittent Fever
Lippe Ad; Lachesis
Lippe Ad; Lachnanthes Tinctoria
Lippe Ad; Pathological Conditions No Indication of Treatment
Lippe Ad; Reply to Dr Bayes' Answer
Lippe Ad; The Allopathic Practice Not Progressive in 1862
Lippe Ad; The Alternation of Aconite and Belladonna
Lippe Ad; The Diseases of The Prostate Gland and Their Treatment
Lippe Ad; The Homoeopathician
Lippe Ad; The Materia Medica
Lippe Ad; The Question of The Dose
Lippe Ad; Who Is a Homoeopathician (reply to Mr Pope)
Lippe Ad; Who Is a Homoeopathician 02 (final reply to Mr Pope)
Lippe Ad; Who Is a Homoeopathist
Lippe C; Clinical Contribution
Lmonhomeo; Importance of Symptomatology
Lmonhomeo; London Life Assurance Office Converted to Homoeopathy by The Evidence of Statistics
Lmonhomeo; Medical fees
Lmonhomeo; The Formula of Homoeopathy
Lmonhomeo; What Allopathic Practitioners Think of Homoeopathy
Ludlam R; Review; Apis mellifica; Wolf CW
Ludlam R; Stomatitis Materna
Macy BC; Kalmia Latifolia in Brights Disease
Mason CH; Trismus
Maumene ME; Action of fluorides on animal
Meyer V; The Action of Glonoine
Minnichreiter F; Rheumatism of The Arm and Rheumatic Coccygodynia Cured by Apis
Morgan AR; Case of Malformation of The Heart
Morgan AR; Fidelity
Morgan AR; Lachesis
Morgan AR; Medical Report of The Onondaga County Orphan Asylum
Morgan AR; Professional Trials and Dangers
Mouremans J; Case of Double Cataract
Nankivell H; Glonoine in Nervous Affections
Nankivell JH; Apis Mellifica in Scarlatina Maligna
Navarro JJ; Notes on Guao
Oehme FG; Dysentery
Paine HD; Diphtheria
Paine HM; Aesculus Hippocastanum
Paine HM; State Homoeopathic Medical Society
Payne JH; Chronic Tetanus of Seven Years Standing
Payne JH; Syphilis
Payne NM; Toxicological effects of Rhus Toxicodendron
Payne WME; Proving of Gelseminum Sempervirus
Pearson C; Lachesis As a Remedy
Perkins RG; Remedies
Perkins RG; Theory of Cure
Perkins RG; Theory of Disease
Perkins RG; Theory of Life
Peters JC; Yellow Fever at Staten Island (1858)
Plundell; The Australian Red Gum Or Kino
Pomeroy TF; Clinical Contribution
Pomeroy TF; Eruption Upon The Scalp Cured by a Single Remedy
Pope AC; The Cattle Plague
Pope AC; Who Is a Homoeopathician 02 (reply to Dr Lippe)
Pope AC; Who Is a Homoeopathician
Pretsch C; American Remedies
Pretsch C; Potencies or Dilutions; Second Article
Pretsch C; Potencies or Dilutions
Raue CG; Diagnostic Indications of The Face
Raue CG; Diagnostic Indications of The Tongue
Ray W; Case of Scarlet Fever
Raymond JC; Diphtheria
Rhees MJ; Asclepias Tuberosa
Rhees MJ; Cases of Mineral Poisoning
Rhees MJ; Provings of Rumex Crispus
Rhees MJ; Value of Clinical Reports
Robinson H; a Case of Phlebitis
Robinson H; Case of Ascites
Rowley WM; Specifics
Rubini R; Proving of Cactus Grandiflorus
Ruhfus; Chronic Cerebro-spinal Disease
Shipman E; Are we inclining to Allopathy
Schaefer C; Clinical Contribution
Schaefer C; Dysentery
Smith HM; Report of An Anomalous Case
Springsteed D; Case of Trismus
Stern L; Some Remarks on The Homoeopathic Treatment of Intermittent Fever
Stokes; Fragmentary provings
Swift CE; Diseases of Children
Temple JT; Case of Hydatids
Vanderburgh F; Congestion
Vanderburgh F; Respiration
Wade JL; Anthemis Nobilis
Wade JL; Case of Yellow Fever
Warner NH; Pathogenetic Effects of Belladonna
Wells DF; Clinical Contributions
Wells PP; Aloes
Wells PP; Apis Mellifica
Wells PP; Cannabis Indica
Wells PP; Colchicum
Wells PP; Croup
Wells PP; Diarrhoea
Wells PP; Drug Proving
Wells PP; Dysentery
Wells PP; Gelseminum
Wells PP; Lachesis
Wells PP; Pneumonia
Wells PP; Practice cases
Wells PP; Rheumatism
Wells PP; Scarlet Fever 02
Wells PP; Scarlet Fever 03
Wells PP; Scarlet Fever
Wells PP; The Dose
Wells PP; The Microscope
Wells PP; Typhoid Fever
Wesselhoeft C; Clinical Observations on Lachesis
Wesselhoeft C; Diseases During Lactation
Wesselhoeft C; Popular Literature on Homoeopathy
Wood N; Minute Doses
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